Getting into college is an exciting moment many students experience. Two gymnasts at DePaul College Prep have gotten into college with scholarships, and into division one schools. Junior Cami Tassone has recently announced her commitment to UCLA. Senior Gabrielle Gauger has also recently announced her commitment to Michigan. Both athletes are gymnasts who put in so much work to have this opportunity.
Junior Cami Tassone has been doing gymnastics since she was three years old. Tassone practices everyday as she says it is crucial to her and her future.
“I would not be at the skill level I am today without all the practice I do,” Tassone said.
Tassone said that many schools were interested in her and it was a long process to decide the few schools she wanted to go visit. These schools included Stanford, UCLA, USC , and University of Georgia. Tassone went to visit these schools and said that each trip was a very unique and fun experience.
Tassone said to narrow down her choices, she based her decision on factors such as skill level and even weather.
“I based my decision on rank, skill level, warm weather, and coaching style,” Tassone said. She said the decision was thought through but she knew in her heart UCLA was the right choice.
Tassone also said that she is very excited for what the future holds.
“I am so excited for the warm weather and UCLA is such an energetic team,” Tassone said.
Another gymnast that has recently committed is senior Gabrielle Gauger. Gauger has been doing gymnastics since she was six years old. Gauger has recently committed to Michigan to continue her gymnastics career. She said this commitment took a lot of hard work and practice.
Gauger said a typical practice is at most four hours with each hour focusing on an event in gymnastics such as floor routines.
“There really are no breaks, only three to five minute breaks in between each event being practiced,” Gauger said.
Gauger also visited and attended a lot of college camps such as the University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. What made her decide on Michigan was a feeling she had.
“People told me at the beginning of my process you are going to feel like you belong there” she said.
When she went to visit Michigan she felt that feeling and said she loved the people, campus, and atmosphere.
Gymnastics requires athletes work to hard for many years to excel in their career. Gauger and Tassone are examples of what it takes to succeed. They are very excited with their decisions and what their future holds, as this is hard work paid off.